
a comment from a Russian friend.

I received this very nice comment from a reader of the blog who lives in Russia, so I thought I would share it here.

Good day! I apologize for my English. I'm from Russia. Build your overdrive. Used j201, 2n2222, 2n2907 and 2n5458. I want to thank you for the scheme. Great sound! Previously collected your panzerfuzz. In Russia, the guitar forums, are often discussed your scheme. I wish you further success! People need to like you.
All the best!
Dmitry. Rassia.

thanks a lot, Dmitry! that means a lot, and I'm glad you are enjoying the schematics! I didn't know that anybody talked about any of my projects on Russian forums. that's very cool! if you could provide a link to the forums, I would love to see it. thanks, again, and please tell other Russian builders, that I am glad they like the projects!


  1. Anonymous7.2.11


    Good day! Follow this link to end.(One of the links, unfortunately I do not remember everything, but still found later). There are several improvements to Panzer and dirty boots. Personally, I collected the Mona Lisa and Panzer. Both pedals unreservedly took place in my music and my pedalborde (now I'm recording an album and recording is finished be sure to include songs from the use of your pedals and send you a gift copy). Panzer general, in my opinion revolutionary fuzz and could be subject to a license for commercial production. This is a very good pedal for today's time, for a combination of old and new music.
    I wonder, why in your designs has never been any Russian ГT402? In my opinion it has great potential of the transistor. (In my collection is a ГT with a hfe of 70 to 400). There is also an old transistor that deserves attention - П401, one of the first Russian production of transistors with an interesting sound, and sometimes very high hfe. There are also quite stable and good-sounding П29 and П30, especially if they are from "military special sort".And of course very popular in Russia MП42Б) ...

    And one more thing: I know that earlier in the 70th years, we used germanium overdrive (no fuzz! Just overdrive!), but the schemes themselves, I have not seen. If you pay your opinion on this topic and developed to such a device would be excellent ...
    It so happens that in America and Europe often pay attention to the Russian Germanium (we in turn appreciate the transistor series OC and AC) and because this could be something to consider as a variant of support for your development in terms of Russian transistors. On the Russian "flea markets" are still many old and rare Russian germanium transistors. I want to offer such an option): I send you for free you are interested in Russian transistors, you for the good development of musical culture, develop Germanium overdrive. A little crazy option, but still ))...

    To date, all) All the best, with respect for you. Dmitry.
    p.s sorry for my bad English.

  2. hello again Dmitry! thanks for the links! it was interesting to try and understand what I could from the internet translator- I wish my Russian was as good as your English! I'm glad you are enjoying the Panzer! it was one of the first group pedals that I designed- all of them used Russian transistors. it does have a couple beginners mistakes, and I'm glad to see people went on to improve on the design. i believe I ended up making some similar adjustments myself.
    if you are looking for a germanium overdrive, try the dirty boots. even though I came up with it the very first time I experimented with a breadboard, i think it's a great overdrive. the low gain GT313s keep it from getting too fuzzy. and yes, it is a rather noisy transistor- that's why I put the small value cap
    from base to collector on the first transistor. this also gave it a nice, round, smooth tone. but, I would love to try and come up with with something new for you in exchange for some transistors. it sounds like a lot of fun! go ahead and email me at apocalypseaudio(at)gmail.com and we can talk about this some more. thanks again!

  3. It made me feel all fuzzy reading this, the internet can be a wonderful thing. :)
